Veronica Messersmith of Sandvik Coromant

A conversation with Veronica Messersmith

Smart Manufacturing (SM) continues to shine a light on industry leaders paving the way for the next generation of talent. President of the Americas at Sandvik Coromant Veronica Messersmith (VM) recently shared her insights and experiences on a host of topics, from the importance of mentorship to the future of smart manufacturing. Throughout her career, she has been recognized as a champion for diversity and inclusion within the manufacturing industry. 

SM: How did you get involved with smart manufacturing? Did you have a role model or mentor?

VM: My involvement with smart manufacturing began during my studies in industrial engineering, a field centered around working smart and optimizing processes. Leading continuous improvement projects for high-potential employees provided me with valuable hands-on experience in smart manufacturing practices. Throughout my career at Sandvik, my first two managers served as both role models and mentors, guiding me in navigating the complexities of the industry and shaping my understanding of smart manufacturing. Their influence has been instrumental in shaping my career trajectory and fostering a passion for innovative and efficient manufacturing practices.

SM: What was a challenge you had to overcome and how did you overcome it?

VM: A significant challenge in my career was leading organizational transformation as the vice president of sales for the western U.S. from 2014 to 2019. To overcome this, I assumed the role of a change leader within the Sales Area Americas (SAA) team, ensuring a smooth transition. Keeping the team motivated throughout the change process was essential, and I implemented a global sales strategy to align with corporate goals. This challenging experience not only led to a successful transition but also earned me recognition as a 2015 STEP Award honoree, celebrating women in the manufacturing industry for leadership, research and overall contributions.

Veronica Messersmith, Sandvik Coromant

Veronica Messersmith serves as President of the Americas at Sandvik Coromant.

SM: What advice would you give to girls and women considering careers in manufacturing?

VM: For girls and women considering careers in manufacturing, my advice would be to navigate the challenges of entering what has traditionally been considered a “man’s world” with a healthy balance of assertiveness and humility. Confidence is key, but it should be complemented by a genuine willingness to learn and listen to others. Pursuing education in relevant fields is crucial, as is seizing leadership and development opportunities to foster personal and professional growth. Networking with fellow professionals can provide valuable insights and support. Remember, in the world of manufacturing, respect is earned through hard work and dedication, so embrace the challenges, and be prepared to prove yourself and put in the work.

SM: What are you most excited about as it relates to the future and potential of smart manufacturing?

VM: I am particularly excited about the future and potential of smart Strategic Leadership, and there are three key aspects that stand out to me. First, the integration of digital technologies, IoT devices, data analytics and AI into manufacturing processes represents a huge paradigm shift. This transformation enhances operational efficiency while also enabling predictive maintenance and better decision-making based on real-time data. Embracing Industry 4.0 principles holds the promise of significantly improving competitiveness and agility in the manufacturing sector, creating opportunities for innovation and streamlined processes.

The disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic underscored the vulnerabilities in global supply chains. I’m excited about the potential for smart Strategic Leadership to address these challenges by implementing technologies like blockchain and real-time tracking. Enhancing visibility and responsiveness in supply chains is crucial for building resilience and agility. By adopting these strategies, we can ensure continuity in operations and minimize disruptions, contributing to a more robust and adaptive manufacturing ecosystem.

Lastly, the impact of advanced robotics and automation technologies on manufacturing is also a source of great excitement. Executives can strategically leverage these technologies to improve productivity, reduce costs and enhance workplace safety. The integration of collaborative robots (cobots) and autonomous systems working alongside human labor is particularly promising. This not only leads to more efficient production processes but also fosters a work environment that is both innovative and flexible. Harnessing the benefits of advanced robotics and automation is key to driving future success in the evolving landscape of manufacturing.

SM: What needs to change in the industry?

VM: In my opinion, two critical changes are needed in the manufacturing industry to ensure its continued success: firstly, making it more appealing to younger generations, and secondly, prioritizing the attraction and retention of new talent. Firstly, it’s crucial to enhance the industry’s appeal for younger generations entering the workforce. This involves a strategic evolution that aligns with their preferences and expectations. By integrating cutting-edge technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence and data analytics, we demonstrate a commitment to innovation, capturing the interest of tech-savvy individuals and showcasing the industry’s forward-thinking nature. Embracing sustainable practices is equally important, as younger generations are increasingly drawn to companies prioritizing social and environmental responsibility. Additionally, fostering collaborative and inclusive work environments is vital, as young professionals thrive in settings that encourage teamwork, open communication and diverse perspectives.

Secondly, attracting and retaining new talent is pivotal for the manufacturing industry’s long-term success. Implementing comprehensive skills development programs that offer continuous learning opportunities is a must. By investing in the growth and development of our workforce, we not only nurture talent but also foster a culture of lifelong learning. Providing employees with opportunities for professional growth and upward mobility instills a sense of purpose and loyalty, contributing to long-term commitment and success. In essence, a focus on technological innovation, sustainability, collaborative work environments, skills development and career advancement opportunities is essential for driving positive change in the manufacturing industry.

SM: Outside of your professional role, what are you passionate about?

VM: Outside of my professional role, my primary passion is being present for my two daughters, who are my utmost priority. Together, we are actively involved with the National Charity League, an organization that promotes mother/daughter involvement in the community. This engagement not only allows us to contribute positively to our community but also strengthens our bond through shared experiences and a commitment to making a difference in the lives of others.

SM: What motivates you to keep pushing forward in the industry?

VM: As a female and minority executive, several motivations drive my commitment to pushing forward in the industry. Advocating for diversity and inclusion is a powerful motivator, as I aim to serve as a role model and contribute to equal opportunities for underrepresented groups. The pursuit of continued professional growth and the aspiration to achieve higher levels of success within the industry are strong driving forces, representing both personal and professional milestones. Additionally, the dynamic landscape of the manufacturing industry’s significant transformation motivates me. Being at the forefront of innovation and change, leading strategic initiatives that drive innovation, improve processes and contribute to the industry’s evolution, is highly rewarding and keeps me inspired to contribute to the industry’s positive development.

SM: What’s next for you? How high is your bar set?

VM: In my career, I aspire to reach the pinnacle by leading our organization as president of the Americas at Sandvik Coromant. The bar is set high, and I am driven by the ambition to contribute strategically to the growth and success of the company on a broader scale. Additionally, considering an overseas assignment is on my radar, but this would be a step I would consider after my youngest daughter finishes high school. My career aspirations align with a commitment to continuous growth, leadership and making a meaningful impact within the organization and the industry as a whole.

SM: Anything else you’d like our readers to know?

VM: I am honored to have been selected as interim president of the Americas at Sandvik Coromant, a role that underscores trust and confidence in my leadership capabilities. Working in a male-dominated industry has presented its challenges, but it’s been an immensely rewarding journey that has developed me into a resilient and strong leader. Navigating and overcoming these challenges has not only sharpened my skills but also reinforced my commitment to championing diversity and inclusion within the manufacturing sector. I believe that diverse perspectives drive innovation, and I am dedicated to contributing to a more inclusive and equitable industry landscape.