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AM Industry Achievement Award FAQ

What is the AM Industry Achievement Award?

Established in 2008, SME's Additive Manufacturing Industry Achievement Award recognizes an outstanding new product, case study or application that has resulted in making a significant impact on the additive manufacturing/3D printing industry. In addition, the award winner will have demonstrated a new or significantly increased benefit to the industry audience.

The award spans the additive manufacturing industry, including additive manufacturing, 3D printing, tooling, medical, 3D imaging and materials. We are searching for individuals whose superb technical work holds great promise to shape the next decades. Winners are selected with consideration for the scope and scale of benefits realized and the potential future impact their work will have on the industry. As the name suggests, the award recognizes achievements that have been implemented or deployed in a commercial/industrial environment rather than research investigative work. Previous winners have included inventors of AM processes and industrial and academic leaders whose innovations and service have driven AM advancement and adoption.

How is the winner chosen?

Nominations are submitted through the SME website – using this nomination form. SME's Additive Manufacturing Community Advisors review the nominees, then solicit additional information from each nominee via phone interview, references, and other supplemental information. A distinguished panel of judges evaluate the nominees based on this information. The judging committee will select the final honoree based on these judgments.

AM Industry Achievement Nominations will be considered based upon the following criteria:

  1. Impact on the industry (25 pts)
  2. Leader in the industry (20 pts)
  3. Acknowledged subject matter expert (20 pts)
  4. Volunteers time on committees and/or mentors within the industry (20 pts)
  5. Demonstrate dedication to professional growth (10 pts)
  6. Time served in industry (5 pts)

What are you looking for in the nominee description?

This should be a 150-word summary of the technical work for which you believe the nominee deserves recognition, including an explanation of its impact, both within the nominee's field and worldwide.

Who should be listed as references?

Although not required, it is recommended that the nomination additional names of references who can speak to the nominee’s excellence. These could be advisors, supervisors, coworkers or colleagues at other institutions who are familiar with the nominee's work and who are able to describe the work and its importance. These people should be willing and able to provide a short (approximately one-page) letter in support of the nominee at the judges’ request.

Does the award winner have to be from the U.S.?

No. The nominees can come from startups, large companies, government agencies and nonprofits, as well as from universities around the world. We encourage nominations from institutions of all types.

Are self-nominations accepted?

No, self-nominations are not accepted for this award.