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Conversations with a Manufacturing Engineer: Cindy Li, PhD

Who is Cindy Li?

I am currently serving as an assistant professor in the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at Arizona State University's School for Engineering of Matter, Transport, and Energy. My academic journey commenced with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering, succeeded by two master's degrees in manufacturing and computer science. In 2019, I successfully earned my PhD in industrial and systems engineering from the University of Southern California.Cindy Li receives the 2023 SME OYME Award

Boasting over a decade of devoted research experience in manufacturing, my current focus revolves around the cutting-edge realm of AM. My expertise lies in the development of innovative multiscale and multi-material AM processes that effectively address contemporary design and manufacturing challenges. Drawing inspiration from nature's hierarchical structures and materials, I aim to push the boundaries of what is achievable in this field.

Throughout my career, I have pioneered numerous groundbreaking approaches in AM, enabling the production of intricate functional structures and materials that were previously deemed challenging. The commitment to advancing the field is evident in my extensive publication record, which includes numerous articles in prestigious journals and presentations at key conferences. I am honored to have received the prestigious 2023 SME Delcie R. Durham Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award and 2024 NSF career award. Furthermore, my inventive capabilities have resulted in the issuance of multiple U.S. patents, serving as a testament to the novelty and innovation embedded in my manufacturing process developments.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance as an engineering faculty member is essential. I prioritize intentional planning, scheduling breaks, vacations, and family time, ensuring a clear separation between my professional and personal life. Establishing boundaries and effective task prioritization during work hours significantly contributes to this balance.

In essence, I adopt a holistic approach, integrating travel, hiking, and playtime with my daughter into my routine. These activities not only enhance my well-being but also boost my effectiveness and creativity when I return to the challenges of the engineering profession. Embracing a well-rounded lifestyle equips me to navigate academia's demands while fostering a positive and sustainable work-life harmony.

Throughout my career, I have taken immense pride in my contribution to groundbreaking projects that seamlessly integrate photopolymerization-based printing techniques with innovative bioinspired design principles and programmable functional materials.

ASME MSEC2022 best paperNotably, our recent endeavors have received significant acclaim, exemplified by the prestigious best paper awards at ASME MSEC2022 and MSEC2023. 

In our ASME MSEC2022 best paper, our focus was on Advancing AM through the introduction of an innovative electric field-assisted heterogeneous material printing (EF-HMP) approach.

This groundbreaking method facilitates the additive manufacturing of bioinspired heterogeneous metal/polymer architectures. By applying an electric field to traditional vat photopolymerization, we created a unique electrochemical environment, eliminating the need for post-metal deposition processes. The EF-HMP technique enables the selective fabrication of patternable metallic structures within complex polymer objects. The method's ingenuity lies in its utilization of a programmable electric field and adaptable printing chemistry for metal ion transport, allowing for the seamless fabrication of bioinspired metallic structures with desired patterns in 3D polymer objects using a singular process in a standard room environment.

In our MSEC2023 best paper, we delved into the realm of contactless printing, specifically focusing on the creation of single-core or multi-core cell-inspired microdroplets through acoustic levitation. Our proposed method showcases the versatility of contactless printing, as we demonstrated the ability to modulate the oscillation mode and microscopic morphology of the printed droplets by adjusting ultrasonic vibration frequencies. Additionally, we controlled the porous structures of the printed shell by manipulating ultraviolet illumination conditions. This innovative printing approach not only serves as a powerful platform for developing biomedical devices and microrobots but also provides a unique avenue for studying morphogenesis and synthetic biological systems through the printing of complex 3D cellular structures.

Challenges and Continuous Learning

Throughout my engineering career, navigating challenges has been a constant, especially in the dynamic fields of future manufacturing. Staying abreast of the latest technological advancements and trends has been crucial, ensuring continued innovation in the face of adversity.

Cindy Li in lab with studentOne significant challenge I encountered was adapting to the rapidly evolving landscape of smart additive manufacturing (smart AM). The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into AM systems presented both opportunities and complexities. To overcome this, I prioritized continuous learning and actively engaged in multidisciplinary exchanges and cooperation. Collaborating with experts across diverse fields provided insights into how AI can enhance AM processes, leading to improved quality control, higher processing efficiency, reduced material waste, and better maintenance protocols.

Embracing the potential of AI in smart manufacturing allowed me to contribute to the ongoing revolution in the industry. Staying updated on technological advancements involved regular participation in conferences, workshops, and SME news related to additive manufacturing. Networking with professionals in the field and being part of communities dedicated to smart AM facilitated knowledge exchange and provided valuable perspectives.

I am also interested in biomimetic manufacturing. The intersection of biomimetic design and manufacturing added another layer of complexity. Nature, through millions of years of evolution, has developed high-performance materials and structures. Drawing inspiration from nature, specifically biomimicry, holds immense potential for designing next-generation functional structural materials. Overcoming this challenge required a deep understanding of biological processes and collaboration with experts in biology and materials science.

In my pursuit of staying up to date with the future of AM, particularly in smart AM and biomimetic manufacturing realms, a proactive approach became crucial. Regularly monitoring academic journals, industry publications, and research papers became second nature. Active involvement in research initiatives and collaborations with academic and industry partners played a pivotal role, not just in staying informed but in contributing to and implementing cutting-edge advancements in real-world applications.

In fostering innovation and creativity within my work or projects, I draw inspiration from nature, particularly through the concept of bioinspiration. A standout illustration involves studying the intricacies of Delosperma nakurense’s seed capsule mechanism, where the lids unfold over the seed compartments like a dynamic origami when moistened by rain. The exploration of nature's solutions  has inspired the development of a novel 4D printing process method utilizing photopolymerization-induced phase separation (PIPS) and liquid crystal (LC) electro-alignment to fabricate seed capsule inspired porous structures with hygro-responsive capabilities.

Advanced Functional Materials CoverThe printed anisotropic porous structures, inspired by natural seed capsules, exhibit an exceptionally rapid and cyclic hygroscopic response capability. The innovation in this work lies in its capacity to faithfully replicate both the structural and functional intricacies of seed capsules. This bioinspired project, encompassing the design of multifunctional LC/nanofiller composites, LC templating-assisted vat photopolymerization, and phase separation-induced gradient porous structures, holds the potential for diverse applications. These applications range from biomimetic soft robotics and smart anticounterfeiting devices to flexible sensors and ultrafiltration membranes.

To foster innovation in this project, I embraced several key principles:

  • Observation of Nature: A thorough understanding of the Delosperma nakurense’s seed capsule structure and its hygro-responsive properties served as the foundation. Observing and learning from nature's solutions provided essential insights for creating a biomimetic design.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Innovations often arise at the intersection of different fields. Collaborating with experts in materials science, chemical engineering, and robotics enabled a holistic approach to the project, incorporating diverse perspectives.
  • Iterative Design and Prototyping: The process involved iterative design and prototyping, allowing for refinement based on feedback and testing. This iterative approach is crucial in the pursuit of creative solutions and optimization.
  • Application-Oriented Thinking: Considering potential applications from the outset guided the development process. The focus on biomedical engineering and microfluidic devices demonstrates a practical approach to implementing innovative structures in real-world scenarios.

As a woman in the engineering field, my motivation to continue working in AM is fueled by a combination of passion, perseverance, and a commitment to breaking gender barriers. In this dynamic and innovative engineering field, several factors contribute to my ongoing dedication:

  • Passion for Innovation: I am driven by a genuine passion for innovation and the transformative potential of additive manufacturing. The ability to contribute to the creation of cutting-edge technologies and solutions is inherently rewarding and keeps me enthusiastic about my work.
  • Desire for Impact: Additive manufacturing has the power to revolutionize industries, from healthcare to aerospace. Knowing that my contributions can impact real-world applications and improve existing processes motivates me to overcome challenges and push the boundaries of what is possible.
  • Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion: Being a woman in engineering, I recognize the importance of diversity and inclusion in driving innovation. By actively participating in the AM field, I aim to contribute to a more inclusive industry, where diverse perspectives lead to more robust and comprehensive solutions.
  • Recognition of Achievements: Celebrating personal and collective achievements within the AM space is essential for maintaining motivation. Acknowledgment of the value of my contributions reinforces a sense of purpose and fuels my drive to continue making meaningful impacts.

As a manufacturing engineer, discussing the societal impact of manufacturing is pivotal. The positive effects of advanced manufacturing on society are multifaceted, spanning economic growth, environmental sustainability, improved healthcare, job creation, and increased accessibility to innovative products.

Here are several ways in which advanced manufacturing can contribute to societal progress:

  • Innovation and Economic Growth: Advanced manufacturing fosters innovation by integrating cutting-edge technologies such as additive manufacturing, robotics, and artificial intelligence. This innovation, in turn, drives economic growth by creating new industries, job opportunities, and promoting entrepreneurship.
  • Customization and Personalization: Advanced manufacturing technologies enable production of customized and personalized products. This not only meets individual preferences but also supports diverse and unique needs within society. Customization can extend to various sectors, including healthcare, consumer goods, and automotive.
  • Sustainability and Resource Efficiency: Advanced manufacturing processes often emphasize sustainability and resource efficiency. Techniques like AM can reduce material waste, energy consumption, and the environmental footprint associated with traditional manufacturing methods. This focus on sustainability aligns with global efforts to address climate change and resource conservation.
  • Enhanced Productivity and Efficiency: Automation and smart manufacturing systems enhance overall productivity and efficiency. The integration of data analytics, real-time monitoring, and predictive maintenance optimizes manufacturing processes, reducing downtime and enhancing the overall output of goods and services.
  • Healthcare Advancements: Advanced manufacturing plays a crucial role in the healthcare sector. Personalized medical devices, patient-specific implants, and 3D-printed pharmaceuticals are examples of how advanced manufacturing can contribute to improved healthcare outcomes, providing tailored solutions for patients.
  • Education and Skill Development: The advancement of manufacturing technologies necessitates a skilled workforce. This drives investments in education and skill development programs to prepare individuals for careers in areas such as digital/smart manufacturing, quality control, and data analytics.
  • Space Exploration and Research: Advanced manufacturing techniques are integral to space exploration and research. 3D printing, for example, is used to manufacture components in space, reducing the need for extensive pre-built structures and enabling more efficient space missions.

Cindy Li with studentsA successful career in engineering requires a combination of technical expertise, soft skills, continuous learning, and a proactive approach to personal and professional development. Embrace challenges, stay curious, and be open to new opportunities along your engineering journey.

Here is some advice I give my students:

  • Train Core Skills: Invest time in developing a strong foundation in core engineering skills. Mastering the fundamentals of mathematics, physics, and relevant technical subjects is crucial. These skills form the backbone of any engineering discipline.
  • Cultivate Critical Thinking: Engineering involves solving complex problems. Cultivate a habit of critical thinking to analyze situations, identify potential challenges, and develop innovative solutions. The ability to approach problems analytically is a key attribute of successful engineers.
  • Enhance Oral and Written Communication: Effective communication is vital in engineering. Practice articulating technical concepts in a clear and concise manner. Develop strong writing skills to convey ideas through reports, documentation, and presentations.
  • Embrace Teamwork and Collaboration: Engineering projects often require collaboration. Learn to work effectively in teams, understand diverse perspectives, and contribute positively. Strong teamwork skills are essential for successful project completion.
  • Cultivate Leadership Qualities: As you progress in your career, leadership skills become increasingly important. Develop leadership qualities by taking on responsibilities, demonstrating initiative, and motivating others. Leadership is about inspiring a team to achieve common goals.
  • Engage Globally: Engineering is a global field, and understanding international perspectives is valuable. Seek opportunities to engage with global issues, collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds, and stay informed about international trends in your field.
  • Explore Entrepreneurship: Engineering offers ample opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship. Consider exploring entrepreneurial ventures or projects. Learn about business concepts, market dynamics, and how to bring engineering solutions to the market
  • Seek Mentorship: Connect with experienced professionals in the field who can provide guidance and advice. A mentor can offer valuable insights, share experiences, and provide valuable career guidance. Don't hesitate to seek mentorship from individuals you admire.
  • Stay Current with Technology: Engineering is a rapidly evolving field. Stay updated on the latest technological advancements, industry trends, and emerging technologies. Continuous learning and adaptability are key to thriving in the dynamic engineering landscape.
  • Build a Professional Network: Attend industry conferences, workshops, and networking events. Connect with professionals in your field, both online and offline. Building a robust professional network opens doors to opportunities, collaborations, and valuable insights.